Online Art Gallery

 Welcome Art Lovers

    The art of painting is a form of expression that should be viewed as a whole. Integrity of the form, made up of ideas and organization of visual elements. Visual elements are arranged in such a way by the artist painting in a two-dimensional plane. Understanding the actual painting covers a wider scope than a definition, because painting also has a variety of terms, such as frescoes, miniature paintings, pottery painting, vase painting, mosaic painting, portrait painting, manuscript painting, enamel painting, glass painting, technological paintings are created using electronic media, such as computer.

    Painting is an art that very step today, there are a lot of paintings from various artists who appeared feast for the eyes with beauty and elegance brushstrokes, and has a deep meaning for every beholder,

    In this world, there are a lot of places exhibition of paintings, and most likely the destination will take money, manpower and time, throw it all that you do not need it because as technology perkembenagan you can visit the Art Gallery wherever you are, simply by accessing the Internet sit back while enjoying a cup of coffee you can look around the various paintings with various categories, artists, and Limited Edition. Have take a look 

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